before and after: roadside desk

Remember the discarded dining table Steve and I half drove/half carried home? Well I painted it and finally cleaned it up enough to take a picture of it for an after with my brand new replica Tolix chair from Life Interiors (they were the most organised company I’ve ever bought from – called to confirm the order & arrange a delivery time, sent me a tracking code for delivery and delivered the next day – even to me in the sticks). The before is below – JUST in case you couldn’t work that out all on your own! haha

I haven’t actually finished the space so this is a bit of a half-hearted attempt to make it look decent (in fact, the other side you can’t see is covered in assorted half-finished projects, receipts, and melted crayons). In the end, it was too difficult to cut the sides to make them square due to the supporting wood and brackets etc underneath, so I left them curvy. It’s only that one corner that is a pain and so I covered it with books! I painted the bottom a white and the top is Wattyl Quartzy Blue. Love the colour.So now it’s in the corner of my cabin or “studio” and is my craft table. I love that there is no computer (not even a laptop – it died. RIP) so I’m not distracted while I work in there. And everything I need supply-wise is an arm’s length away on the desk or on the shelves to the side.

5-minute project: twine hanger
And I even whipped up a little holder for my baker’s twine. Mind you, the amount of various twines and ribbons I have, I’ll need an extra-long, double-decker one! I saw a bought one on a blog somewhere and figured I could make my own. It took all of five minutes – you just need a piece of dowel, wire and wire cutters. Cut a length, wrap around one end of the dowel tightly, loop up and around itself to create a hanger, then back down to the other side and around itself again (not as tight this time – you want to be able to slip it off to get the twine roll on and off). And hang!

For those who want to know…
Cream basket and white holders, Ikea.
Silver embossed box, Tree of Life.
“I think you are fab” print, Lemon Tree Lane.
{images by Belinda Graham for The Happy Home}

25 Responses to “before + after: roadside desk and a 5-minute project”

  1. Dandi Ladies says:
    ooooh – super jealous of your cabin/studio! it looks so pretty and calming – love the blue colour you chose for the table!
  2. It’s like you jumped into my mind and stole my ideal space :D love it
  3. Amanda says:
    It’s come up wonderfully Belinda!! I love the colour you’ve painted the top and you wouldn’t know there anything wrong with the corner covered in books. You must be so happy crafting away at your stunning new desk!! Love the chair too :)
  4. Vicki says:
    Wow, you’re so talented! I wish I had your patience and energy. Thanks for sharing with us. Your blog is beautiful and inspiring. :)
  5. Anna says:
    Great result, now, when can you come to my place an do one for me?
  6. Simone says:
    I love all your stuff, silly question…how do you paint with the kids? I have two paint projects going nowhere fast as I don’t dare paint with Josh around and can’t paint at 11pm at night either! What is your secret?
  7. Belinda I am SO excited to see my “I Think You Are Fab” print above your desk! I am SO pleased you like it enough to use it!!! I still very much think you are fab bt the way!
  8. Melinda says:
    Such a lovely space – I am inspired to clean up my desk!
  9. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Belinda Graham, Amanda Fuller. Amanda Fuller said: Just spotted my I Think You Are Fab print in a pic of the wonderful @belindagraham's new desk! Look here: [...]
  10. Love the colors, so pretty space!
  11. sunny says:
    What a gorgeous, light filled, cozy corner! I love it!!!
  12. leah says:
    i love your table. i’m now inspired to makeover my $40 bargain table. love the white, light, airy feel of the studio! x
  13. I am always so amazed at how a coat of paint can transform a so so piece into something gorgeous…great find!
  14. littlebear says:
    so pretty and I love the colour :)
  15. Mari says:
  16. Woman, you sure do work FAST!!!!!!!!
    It looks AMAAAAAZING. Love it to pieces.
  17. Camila F. says:
    OMG, how amazing! Looooove it!
  18. Gorgeous, Belinda — gosh, I wish I had my own craft cabin or even just a table to work off! It is hard crafting amongst the bits of squished peas and dumping ground that is my kitchen table and I love your recycled masterpiece!
    So lovely to run into your lovely pregnant self the other day, I am certain I was a bumbling idiot (not unusual) but I was totally flattered you even knew who I was and were nice enough to come say hello! Ive made a note to myself that selecting and printing 350-odd newborn photos is probably a task best undertaken sans two small children……. x
  19. Wow Belinda, this looks amazing! Can hardly believe its the same table. Absolutely love what you have done! Have a great weekend xx
  20. Bronwen says:
    WOW! Can scarcely believe it’s the same table! Can I ask if you used a paint brush or one of those spray paint guns to do this? Cause it looks so smooth!
  21. Emma says:
    I love the twine holder- what a great idea. Love it! Have a great weekend. Emma. xx
  22. Maria says:
    I love what you’ve done with the desk! It all looks great. You’ve inspired me to get cracking on my half started and nowhere near finished revamp of an old Bentwood chair I have (the one I picked up for $20!!!). I seem to sand one leg then get bored!! Thanks for the tip on Life Interiors – will check it out :)
  23. Belinda says:
    thanks guys!
    simone – i either wait until they’re resting or just risk it and do it with them hanging around. if they start bugging me, i hand over a tiny paintbrush and let them do a little and then they get bored because they’re allowed to help!! if it’s outside, i give them a bucket of water and a paintbrush and tell them to paint the fence! that said, there are a lot of fingerprints in most of my paint jobs and plenty of clothes with paint smudges on them!!!!!
    nicole – lovely to meet you too! not bumbling at all. and you’re kiddos are SO CUTE!
    bronwen – it’s just a paintbrush but I did buy a spray gun the other day and it’s my new fave toy (except the cleaning up part. ugh.) SO QUICK!!!
  24. katrina says:
    Hi Belinda
    That desktop colour is absolutely sensational. I think I may have to paint my desk the same! Are you please able to share what paint/colour it is?
    Many thanks