FREE ebook: 101 free(ish) things to make and do with your children

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Welcome back! It’s been a while. I’d be happy to just ignore that year-long hiatus, but I’ll be honest: I debated not coming back at all. Blogs aren’t what they were and I miss those good old days. Before social media made everything else feel slow and cumbersome. Before sponsored posts took the authenticity out of everything. And before people were more interested in gaining likes than they were having a discussion or enjoying their lives away from a tiny camera lens.

But here I am again, with a new-look site, some new posts and a new ebook - because I miss creating, and writing and sharing. So basically, I’m just going to blog my way - whatever that is! I have things in the works that don’t involve advertising or sponsored posts or lying to you about how fantastic something is because someone sent it to me, because I’m over all that and wish so much it would all go away. And I’m starting with this ebook. It’s free. It’s filled with things you can do and make with your kids (or let them do themselves so you can catch a break - are you enjoying the holidays yet?) with materials you can easily access - and mostly for free! Who doesn’t love free?! Some you might recognise from Instagram or this blog; some are new. There is something for almost every age and most involve simple fun, being out and about in nature and just creating something with your own hands and basic materials.

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It was meant to be ready before the school holidays began, but if you know me at all, you’ll know things always seem to happen when I have a deadline, and things happened. And then I had to work out new programs and platforms and, well, technology and me aren’t the best of friends… But I’m done. I think I’ve worked out how to get it to you in one piece and I hope you like it! If you like what you see in these images and sample pages, enter your details in the form below and a link will be sent to your email address where you can save to your desktop. If you’re already a subscriber (thank you!), I’ll be sending it to you soon in an email. Don’t forget to check your bulk mail/spam folders as files like this often end up there instead of your inbox. If it just doesn’t seem to get to you (it’s entirely possible!), just email me and I’ll send it to you direct. And if you try any of the ideas in the ebook, please share on your social media feeds and use the hashtag #happyhomecraft or just tag me @belindagraham - I’d love to see!